Numerology and Marriage

Numerology and Marriage

Numerology and Marriage
Best numerologist in Chattisgarh Raipur:Marriage is one of the most sacred selection of date for your wedding is so important. Many are aware that the divorce rate and the number of separations are increasing.Marriage is an important event in one’s life.

4,5,8 dates of marriage, as these dates are not good for marriage.

Famous numerologist in Chattisgarh Raipur:If you marry on these dates 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st or the sum total of their marriage date, means, date ,month and the year, when it comes number 4, they will face financial problems throughout their lives.such couple will fight on financial disturbances that wil lead to separation

Numerologists in Chattisgarh Raipur:If you marry on these dates 5th, 14th and 23rd or when the total of marriage date comes to number 5 ,then the couple gets separated by misunderstanding, egoistic arguments, and finally get divorced.

If you marry on these dates 8,17th or 26th or when the total marriage date comes to no. 8 then the separation time, 1 in 8 years from the date of marriage and such separation will be horrible, means wife gets mental & physical torture ,food poisoning and separation by death of the partners and sometimes both.

I have observed that if the date of marriage is 4,13,22,31,5,14,23 or 8,17,26 and the sum total of marriage date, means, date ,month and the year, when it comes number 4, 5 or 8

As far as my experience, people who had their partner in harmony with their birth number had a loving marriage. If the vibrations were bad, the marriage was bad. So I suggest marrying a partner with harmonious numbers and also avoid above mentioned dates for marriage.

Note :choose your marriage date that should suit to your date of birth and girl’s date of birth (for good muhurtam consult priest for good marriage dates consult professional numerologist)

Visharada Numerology